Andas abatido...toma lá música com que a tua mãe te costumava embalar

quarta-feira, janeiro 31, 2007
Texto do exame de Paleografia e Diplomática I - 15/01/07
In nomine Domini amen. Eu Joham Perez alfayate de Viseu irmão de Joham Botelho e mha molher Maria Perez vendemos a vos dom Egas bispo de Viseu quanto nos avemos em Figueyroo en monte e en fonte roto e por ronper com todas sas entradas e saydas e com todas sas perteenças salvo a casa e a vĩa e o lĩar da par da casa como parte pelo comaro por preço que de vos compridamente reçebemos conven a saber triinta libras de Portugal e hũa garnacha ajades vos quanto nos avemos no dicto logar assi como dicto he e quem a vos prouver pera senpre salvo a dicta casa vĩa e lĩar e quem contra esto veer quanto demandar tanto a vos dobre e ao senhor da terra outro tanto e a quem derdes vossa voz peyte quinhentos soldos feyta a carta en Viseu doze dias de Março Era de mil e trezentos e triinta e cinqui anos. Testemunhas Affonso Perez coonigo de Viseu, Juyão Cacho alfayate, Francisco Martiinz clerigo do dicto bispo e eu Stevam Martiinz tabellion de Viseu que esta carta scrivi e meu sinal y fiz que tal (sinal) he.
1297 Mar. 12, Viseu – João Peres e sua mulher Maria Peres vendem a D. Egas bispo de Viseu tudo quanto possuem em Figueiró à excepção da casa da vinha e do linhar.
Cálice (Gilberto Gil - Chico Buarque, 1973)
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
De vinho tinto de sangue
Como beber dessa bebida amarga
Tragar a dor, engolir a labuta
Mesmo calada a boca, resta o peito
Silêncio na cidade não se escuta
De que me vale ser filho da santa
Melhor seria ser filho da outra
Outra realidade menos morta
Tanta mentira, tanta força bruta
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
De vinho tinto de sangue
Como é difícil acordar calado
Se na calada da noite eu me dano
Quero lançar um grito desumano
Que é uma maneira de ser escutado
Esse silêncio todo me atordoa
Atordoado eu permaneço atento
Na arquibancada pra a qualquer momento
ver emergir o monstro da lagoa
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
De vinho tinto de sangue
De muito gorda a porca já não anda
De muito usada a faca já não corta
Como é difícil, pai, abrir a porta
Essa palavra presa na garganta
Esse pileque homérico no mundo
De que adianta ter boa vontade
Mesmo calado o peito, resta a cuca
Dos bêbados do centro da cidade
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
De vinho tinto de sangue
Talvez o mundo não seja pequeno
Nem seja a vida um fato consumado
Quero inventar o meu próprio pecado
Quero morrer do meu próprio veneno
Quero perder de vez tua cabeça
Minha cabeça perder teu juízo
Quero cheirar fumaça de óleo diesel
Me embriagar até que alguém me esqueça
terça-feira, janeiro 30, 2007
Já havia muito tempo que não pensava em mim.
Chico tens de desenmerdar-te sozinha... o gajo das pernas tortas ainda começa a mandar vir... so videos.
segunda-feira, janeiro 29, 2007
Texto do exame de Paleografia e Diplomática I - 15/01/07
1297 Mar. 12, Viseu
domingo, janeiro 28, 2007
O único requisito é ser casado...
Illicit Encounters - Free For Life - The UK & Extra Marital ...
Whatever your reason, we can help. You may be locked in a loveless marriage, starved of attention and affection, partner away or too tired to pay you the attention you deserve, non-existent love life? Or just looking for some excitement in your life? But you don't want to end your marriage either. Here you can meet people just like you, in absolute confidence.
(Click to follow the Hyperlink)
sábado, janeiro 27, 2007
Estas incongruências...então não eras tu que só vias filmes de porrada?! Por falar nisso tens de ir ver o Rocky XXII...
O Post mais pesado do Blog... sejam pacientes... é para a 'formação' da Chico...
KNIGHT:Who are you?
DEATH: I am Death.
KNIGHT: Have you come for me?
DEATH: I have been walking by your side for a long time.
KNIGHT:That I know.
DEATH:Are you prepared?
KNIGHT:My body is frightened, but I am not.
DEATH:Well, there is no shame in that.
KNIGHT: Wait a moment.
DEATH: That's what they all say. I grant no reprieves.
KNIGHT:You play chess, don't you?
DEATH:How did you know that?
KNIGHT: I have seen it in paintings and heard it sung in ballads.
DEATH:Yes, in fact I'm quite a good chess player.
KNIGHT: But you can't be better than I am.
DEATH :Why do you want to play chess with me?
KNIGHT: I have my reasons.
DEATH: That is your privilege.
sexta-feira, janeiro 26, 2007
Quando era miúdo na colecção de vinis da minha irmã exisita um album duplo com a banda sonora de um filme que se intitulava Les Uns et les Autres (1980)... uma faixa enorme que começava com o bolero de Ravel... alguns anos depois vi o filme, dizem que é a obra-prima de Lelouch, eu particularmente prefiro filmes de porrada e deixo este tipo de filmes para os intelectuais... logo à noite vou ver o 40 years old virgin
C'était un Rendezvous - The Legend
You'd be hard-pressed to find a film as steeped in myth as "C'était un Rendezvous". Filmed in 1976 by seminal French director Claude Lelouch it is regarded as the ultimate in cinema verité.
For many years it has been enjoyed as an almost Masonic secret among car enthusiasts. Whisper the words "Have you seen Rendezvous?" and you'll receive either a knowing, "No, but I've heard it's unbelievable" or a smug, "It is un-be-lieve-able".
Lack of distribution has only fuelled the myths surrounding the film.
Was Lelouch really arrested when it was first shown?
Who drove the car? Was it Lelouch or a hired Formula One driver?
What was the car? Was it really a Ferrari 275 GTB?
How did he do it?
A composite version of the rumours/myths (garnered verbally and from the web) would read something like this ;
Lelouch had made enough money from his classic "Un Homme et une Femme" to buy himself a Ferrari, which he proceeded to drive with "enthusiasm" in his native Paris.
Whilst shooting another film, a new bit of equipment was being used - a gyro stabilised camera mount. Lelouch then came up with the idea for "C'était un Rendezvous". The camera used only had a ten minute film magazine - hence the mad dash to the steps of the Basilique du Sacre Couér in Montmatre.
On first showing, Lelouch was supposedly arrested. In his defence, he proclaimed he had taken all possible precautions. This included convincing a Formula One driver to helm the car (he refused to name him).
Subsequently the film went underground - occasionally shown in front of a Lelouch full-length feature on theatrical release. Outside of this, only poor quality pirate copies on VHS or a badly worn print were available. These would be played at car club meetings and slowly the film attained its mythical status with the arrival of the internet helping to spread the word.
What we do know is that there are no special effects or speeding up the film - Lelouch simply mounted the camera on the front of the car and shot it.
This is what separates "C'était un Rendezvous" from all other films - it's "verité".
Today, the audience walks into a movie, safe in the knowledge of computer-generated special effects or a production where there's enough money to block off streets and control the traffic. Lelouch had none of this.
Richard Symons, a documentary film maker, with more than a passing interest in fast cars came to hear of it and managed to acquire a very poor 2nd generation VHS copy. He wasn't disappointed....
"I'd never seen anything like it, 9 minutes of adrenalin that simply leaves your jaw on the floor. To cut a long story short, we got in touch with the director, dusted down the 35mm negative, restored and re-mastered it for re-release - we've brought out all the details and colours and it looks stunning."
"C'était un Rendezvous" has come to represent something more than an adrenalin rush. It uniquely captures a time and a spirit that seems a long way away from today. Lelouchs' brilliant ending only adds to this - making a beautiful sense out of the preceding nine minutes.
"C'était un Rendezvous" (1976)
Click on the hyperlink to see de movie
quinta-feira, janeiro 25, 2007
quarta-feira, janeiro 24, 2007
terça-feira, janeiro 23, 2007
Robert K. Graham was a eugenicist. He was a pessimist about humanity's future. And he was a can-do, self-made multimillionaire. Those qualities fused to inspire the Repository for Germinal Choice. Graham, who made his fortune by inventing shatterproof eyeglasses, feared mankind was in danger because natural selection had stopped working on human beings. He explained his views in a muscular 1971 book, The Future of Man. Over millenniums, nature's brutality had strengthened the human gene pool, allowing the strong and smart to reproduce, while killing the weak before they could. But once man mastered his natural environment, Graham argued, he jumped the evolutionary track. Better living conditions allowed "retrograde humans" to reproduce. In modern America, thanks to cradle-to-grave social welfare programs, these incompetents and imbeciles were swamping the intelligent. This dysgenic crisis would surely bring communism and the regression of mankind. All that could save us, Graham warned, was "intelligent selection": Our best specimens must have more children. Hence the Repository for Germinal Choice.
Graham intended the repository to be a prototype for genius sperm banks all over the country, producing "creative, intelligent people who otherwise might not be born." The children would be future intellectuals, scientists, and leaders and, Graham predicted in a giddy moment, "may stimulate [humanity's] ascent to a new level of being."
segunda-feira, janeiro 22, 2007

Slim: You know you don't have to act with me, Steve. You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to do anything. Not a thing. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow.
domingo, janeiro 21, 2007
Um tribunal de Boston decidiu atribuir uma indemnização de 400 mil dólares a um luso-americano que foi expulso de um avião da American Airlines, após o seu comportamento ter considerado «suspeito». Este foi o primeiro caso do género a chegar a tribunal.
( 08:44 / 19 de Janeiro 07 ) TSF
A 28 de Dezembro de 2003, John Cerqueira foi forçado a abandonar um avião que estava prestes a partir de Boston para Fort Lauderdale, na Florida, tudo porque estava sentado ao lado de dois israelitas que levantaram suspeitas.
«De repente, chegaram dois homens a falar uma mistura de inglês com um sotaque acentuado e uma língua estrangeira que eu não conhecia. Estavam a falar bastante barulho, eram jovens. Desliguei o meu computador e comecei a dormir», recordou John Cerqueira à TSF.
Pouco depois, chegaram alguns empregados da American Airlines que pediram ao luso-americano a sua identificação, fazendo o mesmo aos dois estrangeiros que se encontravam ao lado de John Cerqueira.
«Até então não sabia quem eram estes estrangeiros e dois ou três minutos depois veio um grupo de polícias e exigiram que pegássemos em todas as nossas coisas e saíssemos do avião», explicou.
Seguiu-se então um período de detenção de duas horas para o luso-americano e os dois turistas israelitas, no qual John Cerqueira negou conhecer os dois passageiros que estavam ao seu lado. Os três acabaram por ser libertados pelas autoridades norte-americanas.
O luso-americano explicou que as pessoas ficam com «vergonha» de agir quando acontecem casos similares ou piores que este e que quando procurou um advogado a opinião foi de que o caso não iria dar em nada.
«Deve haver alguma maneira de batalhar com estas situações. Foi muito difícil conseguir ajuda», concluiu o luso-americano, que nasceu em Portugal, mas que habita em Fall River desde muito novo.
A American Airlines recusou-se a aceitar John Cerqueira novamente como passageiro, forçando-o a comprar um bilhete noutra companhia, após ter-lhe devolvido o valor da primeira passagem que tinha comprado.
Este é um dos vários casos do género que têm acontecido nos Estados Unidos, muito por culpa dos acontecimentos do 11 de Setembro, mas o primeiro que chegou a tribunal.
Estes casos já levaram o Departamento de Transportes dos EUA a alertar diversas companhias de que estão a ser violadas as leis federais contra a discriminação nestes casos.
A decisão deste caso, tomada por um tribunal de Boston, foi criticada pelo sindicato norte-americano dos pilotos que a considerou «vergonhosa», uma vez que estes não esquecem o que aconteceu a 11 de Setembro de 2001.
«Temos de assegurar que a autoridade do comandante é protegida para que nunca se sinta intimidado ou receoso de tomar uma decisão acertada», acrescentou este sindicato.
Através de um porta-voz, a American Airlines também já repudiou esta decisão, ao afirmar que a decisão do júri «não é apoiada pelos factos ou pela lei», pelo que a companhia está a «avaliar as suas opções jurídicas».
sábado, janeiro 20, 2007
George Reeves was only 45 years old on June 16,1959 when he was found dead in his home from a single gun shot to the head. Many people speculate that he was murdered but his death was ruled a suicide predicated on the fact that he was probably in a deep depression state due to his inability to find acting work because he was typecast as superman.
I personally do not believe this ridiculous easy out police conclusion that he took his own life. This man was extremely strong willed and full of life. He had everything to live for including an upcoming wedding with his beautiful fiancee Lenore Lemmon he absolutely adored, a very well planned overseas vacation to Spain with reservations he had been anticipating and also several acting offers and contracts of new acting ventures other than Superman to enhance his acting career. Does that sound like a person out of options that truly wants to take their own life because they are despondent over daily issues? My answer is .. Naw-baby-naw, at least not in my book of reasoning ... I'm sorry to the followers of inaccurate history but I have to go with the fact that George was enjoying life just a little too much with his new girfriend Lenore. The previous former devious married girlfriend he was messing around with named Toni Mannix may of been out for revenge. Toni was married to a rich studio executive with mob connections named Eddie Mannix who probably had a serious personal beef with George for messing around with his wife. Also unusually, George had several unusal near fatal car accidents prior to his death that were unexplained with almost hollywood stunt like maneuvers plus a brake fluid drainage of one of his cars that almost caused a fatal accident. Was someone really out to kill this man or was it a suicide like the police so quickly reported in June of 1959?
The circumstances of his mysterious death and the police investigation that followed left many unanswered questions and speculation.
On the evening of his death, George was entertaining his girlfriend Lenore and a few friends at a cocktail party in his lavish Hollywood two story home when he reportedly went upstairs supposedly by himself to his bedroom and closed the door. That's when all the unknowns came into play. After about a half hour all the guests heard a single gun shot and found George lying dead on his back across the side of the bed with his feet still on the floor. George was killed instantly my a German Luger pistol bullet that went through his skull and lodged in the wall above his bed near the ceiling. The shell casing from the fatal bullet was found after the police picked him up, he had been laying on it. It is still unknown as to how the casing got there and how George could of been lying on the shell casing if he would have taken his own life. Curiously, no suicide note was found, and there was never the slightest indication from George that he might be in a depressed state to any one of the party guests that were there that evening. It was strange also that another half hour went by before anyone picked up the telephone and called the police. Very strange indeed, but I believe by these next outlined (8) points that it is conclusive that George did not commit suicide.
1) No apparent depression
2) No suicide note
3) Future to look forward to
4) Beautiful fiancee
5) Plans for overseas vacation
6) Family ties
7) Big celebrity status
8) Throwing a party that very evening for friends.
Let's detail these last points for a second ...
1) No apparent depression - George never ever showed any signs on the set or off the set of any type of mental anguish that would have triggered a break in George's reasonable thinking where he ever had the notion to end his life.
2) No suicide note - This seems a little strange that no note is present with George's last will, testiment and thoughts of the life he lived. He loved his living mother immensely but didn't leave her any kind of remember me message? Not even a mere note to his fans that adored him as Superman. Isn't that just the least bit strange? Not even a goodbye cruel world?
3) Future to look forward to - George not only had acting positions lined up other than Superman he also was offered another series of Superman episodes that would have kept him working and in the public eye with plenty of generous income.
4) Beautiful Fiancee - George was in love with this woman (Lenore Lemmon) from the very first meeting and had already asked her to be his bride. They were planning a trip to Spain together and had detailed all the places they were going to visit there. Does this sound like George making suicide plans?
5) Plans for overseas vacation - Elaborate detailed plans were made for George's overseas vacation to Spain including passports, airline tickets, hotels, excursions, cars etc. Is this the activity of a man that is about to kill himself?
(6) Family ties - George loved his mother more than anything in the world and talked to her pretty much on a daily basis by telephone. Because of this devotion - why would he commit suicide and not leave his mother any note of reason? Doesn't make much since. Mrs Brewer (his Mom) hired a private investigator man to investigate the case which he did for many months but came up short in evidence that the police had already sealed.
(7) Big celebrity status - Back in the 1950's George was considered one of the biggest and hottest celebrity's of the time with kids and adults alike. He did guest appearances at shopping centers, fairs and studios across the United States that gave him wide range notoriety that other Hollywood people were not experiencing. George would arrive in a large car to these events and immediately be greeted by lots of adoring fans wanting autographs which he gleefully signed.
(8) Throwing a party - okay let's think about this for just a second. We have already addressed the above issues as to why that George Reeves would not and could not have taken his own life because of the reasons stated but this last point simply locks in the deal . Okay, think about this .. if you or anyone you know is planning to take their own life by a gun to the head do you think that they would plan a two week in advance party and invite all their friends to be there to witness the event but not write any kind of special suicide note? If that much planning went into the party itself then I would think that a suicide note would have been included that evening.
Note: There is also a small possibility of a variation in note 8 above where possibly and maybe George's actual suicide note (if he really left one) was indeed included with his dead body but it was quickly disposed of by party participants before police arrived because it contained content that could have caused serious problems for the socialites in attendance that evening.
Back in 50's era without the CSI technology we have today, police were more likely to quickly rule a death a suicide if murder evidence was missing. George's mother knew in the bottom of her heart that her son would not and could not take his own life and immediately hired a private investigation but came up short finding any additional evidence. This is one of those mysteries we may never find out the real truth in our life time. In fact, with little original crime scene evidence collected and sketchy police reporting along with the fact that all the people at that cocktail party are deceased now, simply puts the case to rest. We may never ever know.
sexta-feira, janeiro 19, 2007

Astronomy Domine
Lime and limpid green, a second scene
A fight between the blue you once knew.
Floating down, the sound resounds
Around the icy waters underground.
Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda
And Titania, Neptune, Titan.
Stars can frighten.
Blinding signs flap,
Flicker, flicker, flicker blam. Pow, pow.
Stairway scare Dan Dare who's there?
Lime and limpid green
The sounds surrounds the icy waters underground
Lime and limpid green
The sounds surrounds the icy waters underground." (Syd Barrett)
A 1.ª maqueta é gravada no estúdio Rangel (Porto) – esta possibilita um contrato com editora Metro-Som, que tinha já em carteira bandas com algum renome a nível nacional, como UHF, JÁFUMEGA ou AQUI D'EL ROCK. É deste modo que surge o 1.º disco da banda – um single com os temas "Vampiro da Uva" e "Entornei o Molho…", lançado no mercado discográfico em Maio de 81. Não obstante as péssimas condições de gravação, produção, edição e promoção, o disco consegue um razoável sucesso, figurando nos tops de vários programas de rádio (de destacar o do famoso "Rock em Stock"). Em consequência surgem vários concertos ao vivo e participações em programas de rádio (são repetentes na "A Febre de Sábado de Manhã") e de televisão ("Passeio dos Alegres" e mais uns quantos). O tema "Vampiro da Uva" dá-lhes o mote. Fruto da sua fusão entre o Hard Rock e o Heavy Metal, são rotulados pelos media como "Pais do Heavy Português" – título algo sumário, no entender da banda.
Em 83 mudam de baixista, entrando José Queirós para o lugar. É com essa formação que descem a Lisboa para entrarem novamente em estúdio. É no Angel Studio que, por conta própria, com a preciosa ajuda de Álvaro Azevedo (reputado musico portuense que esteve nos POP-FIVE, ARTE & OFÍCIO e TRABALHADORES DO COMÉRCIO) na produção, gravam, produzem e masterizam em apenas uma semana o material que viria a dar origem ao seu primeiro e único albúm. Seguem-se prolongadas negociações com várias editores e que lhes vão sucessivamente fechando as portas. É nessa altura que entra para a banda como 2.º guitarrista Paulo Barros, futuro fundador dos TARÂNTULA. O objectivo era reforçar o som ao vivo, conferindo mais peso à banda.
A aposta surge finalmente por parte da editora Horizonte, vindo o LP – "Em Nome do Pai, do Filho e do Rock 'n' Roll" a ser lançado em 85. As vendas ficam aquém das expectativas, a editora não se empenha o suficiente na promoção. O disco tem a honra de ser interditado pela beata Rádio Renascença, mas o "Às do Volante" é tema obrigatório de todos os programas radiofónicos de música pesada. Vão surgindo alguns grande concertos, como a partes de WILCO JOHNSON e de DIAMOND HEAD. Kim substitui Joaquim (Fernandes) na bateria.
A banda passa então por algum marasmo e desalento. Chegam a introduzir teclas, alterando a sua sonoridade, sempre dentro dos parâmetros do Metal. A formação da banda viria alterar-se mais vezes a nível de secção rítmica (Leonel na bateria e Eugénio e Ricardo Rodrigues no baixo). A banda não consegue ultrapassar o marasmo instalado e morre – estávamos em 1989.
Se nao fosse uma overdose de heroina e whiskey, Janis Joplin faria hoje: 64 anos.

"Down on Me"
Down on me, down on me,
Looks like everybody in this whole round world
They’re down on me.
Love in this world is so hard to find
When you’ve got yours and I got mine.
That’s why it looks like everybody in this whole round world
They’re down on me.
Saying they’re down on me, down on me.
Looks like everybody in this whole round world
Down on me.
When you see a hand that’s held out toward you,
Give it some love, some day it may be you.
That’s why it looks like everybody in this whole round world
They’re down on me, yeah.
Lord, they’re down on me, down on me, oh!
Looks like everybody in this whole round world
Is down on me.
Believe in your brother, have faith in man,
Help each other, honey, if you can
Because it looks like everybody in this whole round world
Is down on me.
I’m saying down on me, oh, down on me, oh!
It looks like everybody in this whole round world
Down on me!!
quinta-feira, janeiro 18, 2007
quarta-feira, janeiro 17, 2007
terça-feira, janeiro 16, 2007
Firefox rules
powered by performancing firefox
segunda-feira, janeiro 15, 2007
As similaridades são tantas...
Zé Carioca
A trajetória do simpático e malandro papagaio da Disney no mercado brasileiro de quadrinhos foi cheia de percalços que poucos leitores conhecem
Por Marcus Ramone
Os personagens coadjuvantes criados nos Estados Unidos em 1943, Rosinha e seu pai, o milionário Rocha Vaz (que estrearam no Brasil na revista Pato Donald # 440), passaram a ter participação mais efetiva. Outros surgiram e tornaram-se grandes parceiros do papagaio malandro (como Pedrão e Afonsinho) ou inimigos (Zé Galo, cuja estréia se deu no ano de 1982, em Zé Carioca # 1635).

As histórias ficaram, então, bem "abrasileiradas". Cada vez mais eram usados temas de nosso País. O Cristo Redentor, o Pão-de-Açúcar, as paisagens do Rio de Janeiro eram recorrentes nas aventuras. Até mesmo um time de futebol (querem algo mais brasileiro que isso?) foi criado, o Vila Xurupita Futebol Clube, cuja sala de troféus não tem nada além de teias de aranha.
O resultado dessa mudança foi que a revista passou a vender mais que a do Pato Donald, até então a menina dos olhos da linha Disney na Editora Abril.

Nessa fase do personagem, mereceu destaque o roteirista Ivan Saidenberg, que "moldou" o caráter malandro do Zé Carioca e criou diversos elementos e personagens de suas aventuras, como sua moradia no morro, o time de futebol, o Morcego Verde, a Vila Xurupita, Zé Paulista, Zé Baiano, Zé Pampeiro, Zé Queijinho, Zé Jandaia, Pedrão, Afonsinho, Zé Galo e outros.
Donald Fauntleroy Duck
Donald Duck is an animated cartoon and comic-book character from Walt Disney Productions. Donald is a white anthropomorphic duck with yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He usually wears a sailor shirt and cap — but no pants (except when he goes swimming).
According to the cartoon Donald Gets Drafted (1942), Donald's full name is Donald Duck (his middle name appears to be a reference to his sailor hat, which was a common accessory for Fauntleroy suits). Disney's website also states his name as Donald Fauntleroy Duck.[1] Donald's birthday is officially recognized as June 9, 1934, the day his debut film was released, but in The Three Caballeros, his birthday is given as simply "Friday the 13th." In Donald's Happy Birthday (short) it has his birthday as the 13th of March.
Although usually easygoing, Donald's most famous trait is his short and often explosive temper. He is also sometimes portrayed as more crafty and cynical than other characters such as Goofy or Mickey.
Donald's famous voice, one of the most identifiable voices in all of animation, was until 1985 performed by voice actor Clarence "Ducky" Nash. It was largely this semi-intelligible speech that would cement Donald's image into audiences' minds and help fuel both Donald's and Nash's rise to stardom. Since 1985, Donald has been voiced by Tony Anselmo, who was trained by Nash himself for the role.
"Someone is in my head and it's not me!"
domingo, janeiro 14, 2007

As reported by Mercury in Melody Maker, May 2, 1981, he composed "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" on the guitar in just five to ten minutes. Other accounts say that he wrote it while lounging in a bubble bath in the Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Munich during one of Queen's extensive Munich recording sessions. He took it to the studio shortly after writing it and presented it to bandmates Roger Taylor and John Deacon. The three of them, with their new producer Mack, recorded it at Musicland Studios in Munich. The entire song was reportedly recorded in less than half an hour, which may have helped create its fresh and catchy sound. The speed it took to record was due to the fact that Mercury had composed the arrangements for the other bandmates before presenting the song to the band, so all the other bandmates had to do was play. The instruments used were a Ludwig drum kit (Taylor), Fender Precision Bass (Deacon) and Martin D-18 Acoustic Guitar (Mercury).
Lead guitarist Brian May almost missed the chance to be a part of the song: by the time he arrived at the studios, they had almost finished editing it for the single release. Fortunately there was enough time for him to play the guitar solo (on a Fender Telecaster) and sing backing vocals.
While the song is rockabilly in feel, the harmonic structure demonstrates awareness of the intervening twenty-odd years — the subdominant of the subdominant (ie the bVII) is freely used, and the bVI-bVII-I progression (see "Lady Madonna") provides the main hook of the song.
Called Love - Dwight Yoakam
sábado, janeiro 13, 2007
John Densmore
(enquanto os outros andavam a snifar cenas este aprendeu a ouvir o Jim)

"For thirty years I've been saying I was a jazz drummer before I got into The Doors. In the years since then, I still claim to be a jazz drummer. The problem is I've never actually made any jazz records. Finally I am putting my sticks where my mouth is. To achieve that goal, I have joined forces with Art Ellis, a veteran jazz performer and composer. Art had been producing original Afro/Jazz music with Jimmy Haslip of the Yellowjackets, as well as performing as the opening act in festivals with Sting, King Sunny Ade, Milton Nascimento and many others. As co - producers and the nucleus of this project, we have reworked the wonderfully melodic lines of Art's music into an exciting synthesis that pleases us both. The result is Tribaljazz - an infusion of hypnotic, improvised "tribal" grooves with accessible, heartfelt jazz tunes." - John Densmore

The Doors: Riders On The Storm
A serpente tem novo olhar. Para os sedentos, hipnótico. Para os cépticos, dúbio. Para os puristas, arrepiante. Só a indiferença não encontra aqui lugar. Jim Morrison morreu - viva Jim Morrison. Mas as canções dos Doors continuam vivas. É ao ritmo desta crença que Krieger e Manzarek continuam a viajar, ao lado de Ian Astbury. A rota passa pelo Coliseu de Lisboa a 13 de Janeiro."(Publico.PT)
O que é curioso no meio disto tudo é que o John Densmore era o que tinha na altura maiores choques com o Jim, mas agora percebemos que ele era o mais próximo da personalidade dele, enquanto os outros eram apenas surfistas da época. E claro fazer guito às custas do Jim... que as drogas e fama custa dinheiro.
sexta-feira, janeiro 12, 2007

Lembro-me de ter questionado o Manuel Freire, um dos convidados, sobre o ostracismo a que o P.C.P havia votado Adriano, e que o desgosto de tal decisão acelarara a sua morte.
No final da palestra fui ter com o Manuel Freire, aceitando desta forma, o convite para ser elucidado sobre o assunto.
Ele falou-me num tom de secretismo (como se o assunto não fosse já de domínio público).
- Sabes, o que levou o Adriano à bebida e sua consequente morte, foi o facto da mulher o ter deixado...
Olhei para o lado e deparei-me com o livro das "Normas Gerais da Transcrição e Públicação" do padre Avelino de Jesus da Costa, esbofeteado pela visão, olhei para o albúm de Paleografia...
Segui para a cozinha, onde a descascar, comer tangerinas e a cuspir os caroços, encetei uma amena cavaqueira com a "velhota".
Segundo parece, era tradiçao lá na aldeia, quando uma mulher tinha um filho e este atingia o ano de idade, ela tinha de amamentar a criança que nascesse a seguir na aldeia - irmãos de leite - disse-me a minha mãe...
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Portanto caros amigos homens, "na" ilha nunca se esquecam que so podem usar after-shave ou cologne.
Outro caso a explorar em post posteriores: Hoje senti que o meu lado direito e mais pesado que o meu lado esquerdo, a tal ponto que ao caminhar sinto um pender para esse lado. Depois senti que puedesse ser o poder de um lupa posicionada no meu lado direito que estivesse a distorcer essa metade de mim.
Matt Savage plays "Curacao" - Live at Kennedy Center

is the leader of The Matt Savage Trio.
In 2000, when Matt Savage was just 8 years old, he played piano for Dave Brubeck and jammed at a sound session with Chick Corea and his sidemen, Avishai Cohen and Jeff Ballard. The following year he was invited to a soundcheck to jam with jazz great McCoy Tyner and his sidemen, Avery Sharpe and Al Foster. In 2003, at the age of 11, Matt debuted at the famed Blue Note in Manhattan. The following year he debuted at Birdland, performing with the legendary Clark Terry on trumpet, Jimmy Heath on sax, Jon Faddis on trumpet, Marcus McLaurine on bass and Kenny Washington on drums. By 2005, Matt had performed twice with Chaka Khan. News of Matt Savage's talent has spread throughout the jazz world. As jazz great Bobby Watson said, "Besides being an extremely gifted pianist and improviser, Matt has the musical instincts of a person many years older. To me this is the most incredible characteristic about Matt."
True to that statement, Matt hasn't been just jammin' with the greats for the past six years. He's been using those instincts to amass an impressive body of original work that has gained the respect of his peers and fans alike. Quantum Leap (Savage Records), the superb new album from The Matt Savage Trio, features Matt on piano with his adult sidemen, John Funkhouser on bass and Steve Silverstein on drums. Quantum Leap also represents the Trio's first album to receive worldwide distribution via a new deal with Palmetto Records (MRI/RED). Produced by Diane Savage, and to be released in September of 2006, the new album will mark the Trio's return to Manhattan for a special concert release party.
"What I love about jazz," says Matt, " is that you can break all the rules and be free." Matt has taken that freedom to new heights on Quantum Leap, showcasing versatile techniques on such original compositions as "Curacao," "Blues in 33/8" and "Serenity." He has also featured several standards on the new album, including "All the Things You Are" (Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II), "Monk's Dream" (Thelonious Monk) and "A Child is Born" (Thad Jones), all delivered in Savage's unique interpretive style. Quantum Leap is the fifth release from The Matt Savage Trio. Their acclaimed previous album, "Cutting Loose," was released in 2004 and marked the Trio's first performance at Birdland. "Cutting Loose" was preceded by "Chasing Your Tail," "Groovin' on Mount Everest" and their debut 2001 album, "All Jazzed Up."
From the very beginning of Matt's music career, despite his young age, the jazz community embraced this amazing young talent. Following his 2000 performance for Dave Brubeck, WGME-TV in Portland, Maine aired Brubeck's prophetic comments: "I was amazed at how talented he is. Amazing is the word I can tell you. He has such a musical mind that it isn't music that he has to learn. It seems like he's such an advanced musician in so many ways already at 8."
Matt was just 6 1/2 when his musical journey began. At that time, he taught himself to read piano music and immediately began studies in classical piano. He switched to Jazz after discovering the music of Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane and Miles Davis. Matt studied for 3 years at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston and recorded his first solo album in 1999 in collaboration with the New England Conservatory, becoming the youngest child to perform at the NEPTA ���"Gifted and Talented"��� classical recitals in 2000.
Matt���'s second solo album, ���"Live at the Olde Mill,���" was released in 2001, a year which proved pivotal in Matt���'s career as media recognition began to accelerate. Sparked by a live radio performance and interview on Boston���'s WERS 88.9 and an excellent review in ���"The Boston Globe,"��� Matt began selling out concerts. That same year, The Matt Savage Trio released their live concert album, ���"All Jazzed Up,���" and radio stations across the country were broadcasting performances and interviews with Matt. He appeared on ���"Lifetime Television"��� and did an interview with Barbara Walters for ABC'���s ���"20/20.���"
The media momentum continued in 2002. In February, he received his first album review on the ���"All About Jazz���" website and was heralded as ���"phenomenal.���" National Public Radio���'s ���"All Things Considered"��� aired a detailed piece about Matt that became one of the most listened to programs of the year and won numerous broadcast journalism awards. The Matt Savage Trio performed at the famed New Orleans Jazz Festival, and Matt appeared on ���"The Today Show,"��� "���The View,���" ���"Montel���" and ���"The Discovery Channel.���"
In May 2003, The Matt Savage Trio released their third album, ���"Chasing Your Tail,���" recorded live at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. Matt was signed by Bösendorfer pianos, becoming the youngest person and only child, in their 178-year history, to become a Bösendorfer artist. In November of 2003, The Matt Savage Trio made their debut at the Blue Note, documented in a ���Time��� magazine article citing Matt as the youngest performer to have played the famed venue. Matt ended the year performing with more jazz greats at the Kennedy Center for NPR���'s live broadcast, ���"Jazz Piano Christmas,���" sharing the stage with The Bad Plus, Arturo O'���Farrill, Jason Moran, Stefon Harris, Karrin Allyson and Lynne Ariale.
Awards for Matt���'s musical accomplishments have been many. Among them, Matt earned ASCAP���'s 2004/2005 "Young Jazz Composer"��� award for his composition, ���"The Wild Rose,���" from the Trio���'s "���Cutting Loose���" CD. He received the award at the ASCAP Jazz Wall Convention in New York, being honored along with living legends Neal Hefti, Shirley Horn and John ���"Bucky���" Pizzarelli. This year, he received a second award from ASCAP as one of their 2005/2006 ���"Young Jazz Composer���" winners for his composition, "���Serenity."��� He not only received his award at this year���'s Jazz Wall Convention, but he performed "���Serenity���" for the jazz greats attending the coveted event.
Throughout Matt���'s amazing young career, there have been numerous performances and appearances to support children and adults with disabilities and to support community outreach efforts to educate people about autism spectrum disorders. It is no small wonder, considering Matt has made an extraordinary emergence from his own autism, diagnosed at the age of 3. At that age, Matt could not communicate easily or withstand noises, not to mention music. His parents enrolled Matt in a special program for children with autism that involved patient training and a strict dietary and vitamin regime (the DAN Protocol). From age 3 to 7 Matt underwent speech therapy and occupational therapy. At age 6 1/2 he did a special auditory integration therapy to retrain his ears and make them less sensitive to sound. Matt was able to retune his sensory and social perceptions and his musical skills flourished. By 7 1/2 he had recorded his first album. In a remarkably short amount of time, Matt has emerged as an artist who is comfortable performing in front of audiences of all sizes. He is a welcomed, articulate and outgoing personality on national television and radio shows.
Matt���'s journey has been documented in a worldwide broadcast in 2006 of a film entitled ���"Beautiful Minds - A Voyage into the Brain,���" a three-part series produced by German ARD television. Another highlight of 2006 was Matt���'s special appearance in April at MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art in New York City, in conjunction with the premiere of the three-part documentary ���"Ellington by Keys"��� produced by award-winning filmmaker, Gary Keys. Several of the compositions performed by Matt were from original Ellington manuscripts that had never before been published or performed.
Matt Savage keeps good company with the music of the jazz greats, past and present. His enormous respect for their legendary bodies of work inspires and fuels his own unique jazz compositions and interpretations. As People Magazine astutely wrote in 2002, "...jazz phenom Matt Savage unlocks a door to genius using 88 keys."��� With the release of each album, Matt has challenged ���"genius���" by exploring and expanding his creative boundaries. At the age of 14, Matt continues to have vision and technique beyond his years as a composer and musician. Quantum Leap launches yet another chapter in Matt Savage���'s musical evolution as fans celebrate his prodigious rise in the world of jazz.

The skit, as scripted for the Dec. 4 installment of “Late Night With Conan O’Brien,” was about absurdist college sports mascots that the host and his writers would like to see someday.
Among them were “the Boise State Conjoined Vikings,” who had been born locked at the horns, as well as something Mr. O’Brien called “the Webcam manatee” — said to be the mascot of “F.S.U.” — which was basically someone in a manatee costume rubbing himself or herself provocatively in front of a camera (to the tune of the 1991 hit “I Touch Myself”). Meanwhile a voyeur with a lascivious expression watched via computer.
Who knew that life would soon imitate art.
At the end of the skit, in a line Mr. O’Brien insists was ad-libbed, he mentioned that the voyeur (actually Mark Pender, a member of the show’s band) was watching There was only one problem: as of the taping of that show, which concluded at 6:30 p.m., no such site existed. Which presented an immediate quandary for NBC: If a viewer were somehow to acquire the license to use that Internet domain name, then put something inappropriate on the site, the network could potentially be held liable for appearing to promote it.
In a pre-emptive strike inspired as much by the regulations of the Federal Communications Commission as by the laws of comedy, NBC bought the license to, for $159, after the taping of the Dec. 4 show but before it was broadcast.
By yesterday afternoon — created by Mr. O’Brien’s staff and featuring images of such supposedly forbidden acts as “Manatee-on-Manatee” sex (again using characters in costumes) — had received approximately 3 million hits, according to NBC. Meanwhile several thousand of Mr. O’Brien’s viewers have also responded to his subsequent on-air pleas that they submit artwork and other material inspired by the aquatic mammals, and the romantic and sexual shenanigans they imagine, to the e-mail address
One viewer sent a poem. Mr. O’Brien asked James Lipton, the haughty host of “Inside the Actors Studio” on Bravo, to read it on “Late Night.” It included the lines: “I want to freak thy blubber rolls,” and “The product of our ecstasy will be half man and half a-’tee.” After that a curtain opened, and Mr. Lipton gamely danced with the manatee character. Another viewer wrote a song, which Mr. Pender, the band’s trumpet player, crooned to the character. Set to the heavy metal band AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long,” it included the lyrics “She had big black eyes/no discernible thighs” and “The waves start shakin’/the ocean was quakin’/my pelvis was achin’. ”
Reached by telephone at NBC yesterday, Mr. O’Brien said he was stunned and overwhelmed by the viewers’ response to what had initially been a throwaway line, and by what that response, collectively, suggested about how the digital world was affecting traditional media like television.
“We couldn’t have done this two years ago, three years ago,” Mr. O’Brien said. “It’s sort of this weird comedy dialogue with the audience.”
He added, “I still have an abacus.”
Regardless, Mr. O’Brien and his staff are digitally savvy enough to seize an opportunity when it presents itself, particularly in the aftermath of such Internet comedy phenomena as “Lazy Sunday,” a filmed clip from “Saturday Night Live” that drew large audiences on the Web last year, initially as a bootleg. After the taping of the Dec. 4 show, Mr. O’Brien said the show’s executive producer, Jeff Ross, informed him of the problem, then asked him whether he wanted to mute the mention of the site or buy the Web address.
“We didn’t want to take it out,” Mr. Ross said yesterday, “so we bought it.”
In explaining to the audience the next night what he and his writers had done, Mr. O’Brien marveled, “For $159, NBC, the network that brought you ‘Meet the Press,’ Milton Berle and the nation’s first commercial television station became the proud owner of”
Now, by clicking on “tour,” visitors to the site are drawn into a netherworld of mock-graphic images with titles like “Mature Manatee” (with a walker of course) and “Fetish” (a manatee in a bondage costume) as well as dozens of viewer submissions, including “Manatee & Colmes,” a spoof of “Hannity & Colmes” on Fox News.
Mr. O’Brien said he knew he was on to something when, on Wednesday night, he was at a Christmas party in the lobby of a friend’s building and a waiter approached him with a platter of salmon and toast points. When Mr. O’Brien politely declined, he said the waiter drew in close and whispered in his ear, “My compliments to the horny manatee.”
As he prepared last night’s show, Mr. O’Brien said he was planning to give the bit its first night off, although he was confident it would soon return.
“We don’t want the entire show to be ‘Late Night With Horny Manatee,’ ” he said. “Though, of course, it will become that eventually.”
quinta-feira, janeiro 11, 2007
Hoje estou assim, a fazer manguitos ao árbitro por não ter assinalado o penalty; ou será a influência maligna da Elza?
Dianinha: bem priminha* tou anciosa pelo dia 24-4-07 ....sabes oke significa , mas e claro
vai ser tao giro a minha prima a........pronto fica so entre nos*
Dianinha é o arauto da boa nova
É pois com prazer que dou os parabéns aos noivos.
Ao noivo, desejo que este seu segundo casamento, seja aquele que dure para todo o sempre. À noiva desejo muitas felicidades e que a fecundidade a abençoe.
Deixo aqui uma imagem que ate poderá ser usada nos convites de casamento...

quarta-feira, janeiro 10, 2007
Quadrilha por Carlos Drummond de Andrade
João amava Teresa que amava Raimundo
que amava Maria que amava Joaquim que amava Lili
que não amava ninguém.
João foi para os Estados Unidos, Teresa para o convento,
Raimundo morreu de desastre, Maria ficou para tia,
Joaquim suicidou-se e Lili casou com J. Pinto Fernandes
que não tinha entrado na história.
quarta-feira, janeiro 03, 2007
Após anos de busca, só com o nome da personagem principal, finalmente encontrei...
Infelizmente, nem no site do Bakshi se pode comprar o filme...

Hey Good Lookin'
There are many fine Ralph Bakshi films on DVD format now, Fritz the Cat, American Pop, Lord of the Rings, and most recently Wizards. These films have been accepted widely by the consumer market. A new generation is poised to fall head over heals for Ralph Bakshi’s animation.
It is up to the person in control of the rights to Hey Good Lookin’, Mr. Bakshi’s tribute to the 50’s, to give the public what it wants. We the undersigned would greatly appreciate the release of a special edition DVD of Hey Good Lookin’.
Mr. Bakshi’s irreverent combination of passion, politics and religion has led to some of the most meaningful animation of our day. He has a knack for combining the skills of each of the talented artists he employs in his drive to produce a film with meaning for him personally. This talent shines brightly in Hey Good Lookin’, which is the story of Vinnie, a member of the gang The Stompers, and his friend Crazy, who gets Vinnie into more trouble than a youth should ever face. For Mr. Bakshi it truly portrays his view of Brooklyn in the early 50’s (well… with a few exagerations).
The film and its’ soundtrack help create an ambiance which stays with its’ viewers.
As proof of this fact the soundtrack for Hey Good Lookin’ is going to be released soon, thanks to Vinnie from the Bakshi Message Board and John Madara, who produced the soundtrack for Hey Good Lookin’.
There is definite demand for the film and the nostalgia it sparks in those who lived during the 50’s. Also new viewers identify with the youthful exuberance of the film, which remains timeless.
Please consider the things presented here and review the film. You’ll see that it deserves a DVD special edition release. Please make that happen.
Thank You.
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