Diálogos: João César Monteiro
Ele: "O que faz?"
ELa: "Ponho-me toda nua, Qual é o problema?"
Ele: "Nenhum, o que torna o acto vergonhoso."
Diálogos: João César Monteiro
Em nome da defesa dos direitos do homem: Que tal bombardear os Estados Unidos?
Weird Al Yankovic - Like a surgeon
Tragédia do Vesúvio.
No ano 79 da era cristã, as cidades romanas de Pompéia, Herculano e Estábias foram soterradas sob cinzas e pedras vulcânicas arremessadas por uma erupção do monte Vesúvio. A partir do século XVIII, a escavação das ruínas deu a conhecer aspectos da vida econômica, social e religiosa dos romanos.
Pompéia (em latim, Pompeii), antiga cidade da Campânia, no sul da Itália, situa-se a 23km a sudoeste de Nápoles. Fundada pelos oscos, caiu sob domínio grego no século VIII a.C. e foi ocupada pelos etruscos no século VII. Invadida pelos samnitas no final do século V a.C., aliou-se a Roma no século III. A cidade participou da guerra civil do século I a.C. e converteu-se em colônia romana. O historiador Tácito relata a eclosão de uma revolta popular no ano 59 da era cristã. Três anos depois, um terremoto danificou os edifícios pompeanos e, em 24 de agosto de 79, uma violenta erupção do Vesúvio, próximo à cidade, cobriu-a com uma camada de seis a sete metros de espessura, composta de lapilli (fragmentos de lava) e cinzas vulcânicas. Dos vinte mil habitantes, morreram dois mil. Herculano (Herculaneum) situa-se a oito quilômetros a sudeste de Nápoles, em parte sob os alicerces da atual localidade de Resina, o que praticamente impossibilitou o acesso às ruínas. Sua história, paralela à de Pompéia, interrompeu-se em conseqüência da mesma erupção. Estábias (Stabiae), situada no extremo oriental do golfo de Nápoles, foi também arrasada pela erupção do Vesúvio. Entre as vítimas fatais estava o naturalista Plínio o Velho, comandante da esquadra romana. As pinturas murais encontradas são comparáveis às de Pompéia e Herculano.
As ruínas de Pompéia foram descobertas no final do século XVI. As escavações, que representaram o começo da arqueologia moderna, iniciaram-se em 1709, em Herculano, e em 1748, em Pompéia. Em 1860, os trabalhos arqueológicos se intensificaram e tornaram-se mais sistemáticos, mas foram interrompidos pela segunda guerra mundial. Em Estábias, as pesquisas se reiniciaram em 1949. Muitos edifícios de Pompéia conservaram-se em perfeito estado, dentre os quais se destacam os do forum ou centro urbano: a basílica (lugar para reuniões públicas), o templo da tríade capitolina (Júpiter, Juno e Minerva), o templo de Apolo, o de Ísis, o mercado e o comitium, edifício onde se realizavam as eleições municipais. Outros conjuntos monumentais são o foro triangular, o anfiteatro, e a palestra ou campo desportivo. Interessantes para os historiadores são as casas particulares, várias delas típicas da classe média provinciana do Império Romano. Costumam ser elegantes, com átrio e pátio interno, mobiliário austero e alegres pinturas murais. A cidade conta também com inúmeras oficinas, lojas, tabernas e banhos públicos. Também são importantes as casas situadas fora do perímetro urbano, como a de Diomedes e a chamada "vila dos mistérios", onde eram celebrados os cultos ao deus Dioniso.
Em Herculano, cidade menor que Pompéia, as condições de umidade do solo e a espessura dos sedimentos vulcânicos, de 15 a 18m, permitiram a melhor conservação dos restos de madeira, tecidos e alimentos. Suas construções revelam o caráter mais refinado de seus habitantes, supondo-se que se tratava de um local de veraneio para aristocratas e intelectuais. Conta com um dos mais bem conservados anfiteatros da antiguidade.
O museu.
Pompéia é um dos maiores centros de estudos arqueológicos na Itália. Nas escavações modernas abandonou-se o hábito de remeter os objetos encontrados para Nápoles. Enquanto possível, continuam no lugar. Só alguns objetos especialmente valiosos ficam no Antiquarium, pequeno museu situado à entrada da cidade. Encontram-se ali alguns cadáveres de pessoas surpreendidas pela catástrofe, e o cadáver de um cão que morreu ao lado do dono, encontrados em 1863. No resto, teve-se o cuidado de conservar -- mas raramente reconstruir -- as casas, templos, edifícios públicos, lojas e oficinas, assim como o calçamento das ruas, de modo que Pompéia parece hoje uma cidade assombrosamente viva, apenas abandonada por seus habitantes. A maior atração de Pompéia são as casas. Existe uma casa de cômodos, de dois andares, modestamente mobiliada. Em geral, porém, as casas são espaçosas e até de luxo. Seu estudo é uma das fontes principais de conhecimento da casa romana típica da classe média abastada ou rica, a que nunca falta o jardim central. Especialmente bem conservada é a luxuosa casa da família dos Vettii; depois, a de Menandro (assim chamada porque nela se encontrou uma estátua do poeta cômico Menandro); e a casa de Trebio Valens.
Nas paredes exteriores dessa última casa encontram-se grafitos de propaganda eleitoral, e outros que anunciam espetáculos teatrais. Pompéia é muito rica em "inscrições" dessa espécie: citam versos de poetas, quase sempre inexatamente, porquanto citados de memória; outros grafitos zombam de avarentos ricos, advertem contra proprietários de tabernas que misturam vinho e água; há um alfabeto, rabiscado por mão de criança; os grafitos que lembram passeios amorosos são em parte sentimentais e em parte pornográficos. Os afrescos encontrados nas casas de Pompéia e Herculano constituem praticamente o único testemunho dessa arte no mundo greco-latino. Seu descobrimento influiu na configuração da arte neoclássica européia da época napoleônica. Entre os mosaicos, destaca-se o da "Batalha de Alexandre o Grande", da casa pompeana do Fauno. Célebre também é o mosaico, na porta de uma casa, que mostra um cão furioso, com os dizeres: "Cave canem" (Cuidado com o cão).
Um conhecido cientista italiano está causando grande polêmica no país depois de ter apresentado uma teoria dizendo que a espécie humana está caminhando para o bissexualismo.
Durante uma conferência neste fim de semana na região da Toscana, Umberto Veronesi, que é médico e ex-ministro da Saúde, afirmou que a espécie humana deve caminhar para o bissexualismo "como resultado da evolução natural das espécies".
"O homem está perdendo suas características e tende a se transformar numa figura sexualmente ambígua, enquanto a mulher está se tornando mais masculina. Desta forma a sociedade evolui para um modelo único", afirmou Umberto Veronesi, que é oncologista.
Na opinião do cientista, o sexo no futuro será apenas um gesto de demonstração de afeto e não terá fins reprodutivos. Por esta razão, defende, poderá ser praticado entre pessoas de sexos opostos ou não.
5 dias atrás
Evolução e hormônios
Em entrevista a jornais italianos, Veronesi reafirmou sua teoria, apontando o fator hormonal como indicador da evolução rumo ao bissexualismo.
"Desde o pós-guerra a vitalidade dos espermatozóides diminuiu 50% porque as mudanças das condições de vida estão fazendo com que a hipófise (glândula responsável pela produção dos hormônios) produza cada vez menos hormônios andrógenos (masculinos)", afirma o oncologista, pioneiro no tratamento de câncer de mama na Itália.
"O homem não precisa mais de uma intensa agressividade física para sobreviver", diz ele.
Com as mulheres, que tem papel cada vez mais ativo na sociedade, acontece o mesmo.
Segundo o médico, as mulheres vem produzindo cada vez menos hormônio femininos ao longo dos anos.
"É o preço que se paga pela evolução natural da espécie, que é positivo porque nasce da busca pela igualdade entre os sexos", afirmou o oncologista ao jornal Corriere della Sera.
On March 9, 2007 Delp was found dead in his home in Atkinson, New Hampshire. He had killed himself in his bathroom by burning charcoal and was found by his fiancee. That day, the official Web site for the band was taken down and replaced with the statement: "We've just lost the nicest guy in rock and roll."
Delp left private notes to all his family members and a public note that read: "Mr. Brad Delp. J'ai une âme solitaire. I am a lonely soul."
A tribute concert featuring his former band mates was scheduled for 19 August 2007, the day after his marriage was to have taken place.
C)The Complete Manual of Suicide is a Japanese book written by Wataru Tsurumi. It was first published on the 4th of July, 1993 and sold more than one million copies. This 198 page book provides explicit descriptions and analysis on a wide range of suicide methods such as overdosing, hanging, jumping, carbon monoxide poisoning, etc. Moreover, this is not a suicide manual for the terminally ill. There is no preference shown for painless or dignified ways of ending one's life. The book provides matter-of-fact assessment on each method in terms of the pain it causes, effort of preparation required, the appearance of the body and mortality.
![]() | ![]() | By Andrew Harding BBC Asia correspondent |
In Japan, the internet has been blamed for a spate of group suicides which appear to have been arranged in online chat rooms.
Andrew Harding talked to one young man searching for someone to die with.
Naoki Tachiwana opened his apartment door with a surprisingly warm smile, and beckoned us in to a neat living room. His computer was switched on - the screen facing out towards Naoki's eleventh floor balcony, and the night sky above Tokyo's eastern suburbs.
"Last night I was up all night," said Naoki, smiling again, "talking online to this woman who really - I mean really - wants to die. She asked me to do it with her today, but I said I couldn't because I had this television crew coming to see me. So she said we can do it after they've gone."
It had taken days of online research, emails and text messages to bring us here - face to face with a member of Japan's "internet suicide" community.
It is a growing, and morbidly frank underworld of chat rooms and websites with names like "Suicide Club," where thousands of (mainly young) people meet and talk and plan their deaths.
At least 26 people have died in this manner in the past two months.
Death ads
The message boards are littered with personal ads like: "I have pills and charcoal briquettes - I'm looking for someone to die with," and "I'm 23 and want to die. I can travel anywhere."
I asked Naoki - a 34-year-old bank employee who has been off work with stress-related problems for six months - why he was considering joining a suicide group.
"Well, I'm depressed - and that's a disease," he said. "But to be honest, I think I've always been interested in killing myself." His enormous cat jumped down from a shelf and waddled over to the computer screen.
"I'd never thought about doing it in a group before," he continued. "But then I visited a website and thought - ah, if I join this I won't have to go through with it on my own. It's like crossing the road when the traffic light is red... it's not so scary when you're with others."
High suicide rate
In recent months, dozens of Japanese have crossed that road together. In the last fortnight alone three groups of three people, and two groups of four have been found dead - usually gassed in cars on remote mountain roads.
Japan already has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, and so far the internet-related deaths are only a small proportion. But it's a growing one.
"It's almost like a cult... these internet groups," argues Yukiko Nishihara, a Tokyo helpline worker. "When people are lonely and suicidal - but afraid of death - they find these websites which egg them on. There's an inhuman element to it."
But others see the sites very differently.
"There's nothing bad about suicide," said Wataru Tsurumi, author of a graphic, and best-selling handbook on the subject. "We have no religion or laws here in Japan telling us otherwise. As for group suicides - before the internet people would write letters, or make phone calls... it's always been part of our culture."
Ghoulish as many of the sites are - complete with skulls and dripping blood - many of their owners argue that they do more good than harm. Late one night in a crowded internet café in central Tokyo, we met up with a shy 24-year-old who wanted to be known by his online nickname - Ama Terasu.
"My site has a message board, and chat rooms and links to other sites," he told me. "It's a virtual world where you can talk about subjects you can't discuss in real life.
'Vicious sites'
"There are some vicious sites which really encourage people to die, and when you get in a group there's a momentum which makes it hard to stop - people become irrational. But my site is not like that. I started it because I had tried twice to kill myself.
"I think it has saved my life - because it has enabled me to open up about things online. And I believe it can help others too."
Back in his small apartment, Naoki was still weighing up his options. He told me that he'd come close to killing himself the day before with another person, but that she'd pulled out at the last minute.
"This time," he said, "it's me who has got cold feet. I told the other woman who wanted to do it today that I was not ready to die so suddenly."
If you have been affected by any of the issues raised here and would like to talk to someone in confidence for details of further support and information, please call the BBC Action Line on 08000 566 787.
The lines may be busy, so please remember that the Action Line is open seven days a week, from 0730 GMT until midnight. All calls are free and confidential.Heavens above, now Google reaches for the stars
FIRST it conquered the world. Now it has captured the universe.
The internet giant that created Google Earth, allowing office workers to waste countless hours spying on almost any point on the planet from their desks, has launched a celestial version.
Sky in Google Earth allows viewers to zap across the cosmos at warp speed, zooming in on 100 million stars and 200 million galaxies, as well as the paths of the planets.
The New York Times reported yesterday that Sky uses more than a million images from observatories around the world.
Its southern hemisphere view boasts an Australian flavour, having been created using 894 pictures snapped by a telescope at the Anglo-Australian Observatory at Siding Spring, near Coonabarabran.
"It's like Google Earth, but in reverse, looking out into the universe," the astronomer in charge, Fred Watson, said yesterday. "It lets you view the sky from any place on Earth."
Incorporating Siding Spring's pictures into the site involved an extraordinary mix of old and new technology.
Taken by the observatory's 1.2 metre UK Schmidt Telescope, the photographs were originally produced on glass plates, 35 centimetres by 35 centimetres, during a 30-year survey started in 1971 to map the entire southern sky.
A technology dating back to the 19th century, glass plates were long popular with astronomers because they produced almost distortion-free images.
While glass plates are no longer used, the Schmidt Telescope's map, said Dr Watson "is still the best atlas of the southern sky we have".
Its pictures have since been digitised to produce a "road map" for the Hubble Space Telescope, and a database for Google's new site. Australians using it, said the astronomer, "should recognise there is an Australian component".
Sky in Google Earth also features Hubble images. "It will give you a zoom effect," said Dr Watson. "Amateur astronomers will have a field day."
Anyone spotting something unusual in the sky could quickly determine whether they had discovered a new comet, or had just stumbled across something well known.
When the next star explodes somewhere in the galactic neighbourhood, becoming a supernova, it may be possible to check the site to identify the doomed star.
Dr Watson said his first viewing choice would be the Jewel Box, a cluster of coloured stars near the Southern Cross. "It looks like a box of trinkets."
The use the service, you need to download the newest version of Google Earth which can be found at www.earth.google.com.
Conversas de Verão vs Casos Insólitos
Max Roach, a founder of modern jazz who rewrote the rules of drumming in the 1940s and spent the rest of his career breaking musical barriers and defying listeners’ expectations, died early yesterday in Manhattan. He was 83.
His death, at an undisclosed hospital, was announced by a spokesman for Blue Note Records, Mr. Roach’s last label. No cause was given. Mr. Roach, who had lived on the Upper West Side for many years, had been known to be in poor health for some time.
Mr. Roach’s death closes a chapter in American musical history. He was the last surviving member of a small circle of adventurous musicians — among them Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious Monk and a handful of others — whose innovations brought about wholesale changes in jazz during World War II and immediately afterward.
Their music, which came to be known as bebop, had its roots in the jazz tradition, but it was different enough to scandalize many listeners and even many of their fellow musicians. Its rhythms were more jagged and unpredictable; its harmonies were more advanced, at times dissonant; its technical demands could be daunting. Despite the skepticism and hostility they initially inspired, the beboppers established the template for how jazz was played for decades to come.
Mr. Roach, a percussion virtuoso capable of playing at the most brutal tempos with subtlety as well as power, was an important architect of this musical revolution. He remained adventurous, and modern, to the end.
Mr. Roach challenged both his audiences and himself by working not just with standard jazz instrumentation but in contexts well beyond the confines of jazz as it is generally understood.
He led a “double quartet,” consisting of his working group of trumpet, saxophone, bass and drums plus a string quartet. He led an ensemble consisting entirely of percussionists. He played duets with avant-gardists like the pianist Cecil Taylor and the saxophonist Anthony Braxton. He performed unaccompanied. He wrote music for plays by Sam Shepard and dance pieces by Alvin Ailey. He collaborated with video artists, gospel choirs and hip-hop performers.
Mr. Roach explained his philosophy to The New York Times in 1990: “You can’t write the same book twice. Though I’ve been in historic musical situations, I can’t go back and do that again. And though I run into artistic crises, they keep my life interesting.”
He was in historic situations from the beginning of his career. He was still in his teens when he played drums with the alto saxophonist Charlie Parker, a pioneer of modern jazz, at a Harlem after-hours club in 1942. Within a few years, Mr. Roach was himself recognized as a pioneer.
He was not the first drummer to play bebop — Kenny Clarke, 10 years his senior, is generally credited with that distinction — but he quickly established himself as both the most imaginative percussionist in modern jazz and the most influential.
In Mr. Roach’s hands, the drum kit became much more than a means of keeping time. He saw himself not just as a supporting player but as a full-fledged member of the front line.
Layering rhythms on top of rhythms, he paid as much attention to a song’s melody as to its beat. He developed, as the jazz critic Burt Korall put it, “a highly responsive, contrapuntal style,” engaging his fellow musicians in an open-ended conversation while maintaining a rock-solid pulse. His approach “initially mystified and thoroughly challenged other drummers,” Mr. Korall wrote, but it quickly earned the respect of his peers and established a new standard for the instrument.
Mr. Roach was an innovator in other ways. In the late 1950s, he led a group that was among the first in jazz to perform pieces in waltz time and other unusual meters in addition to the conventional 4/4. In the early 1960s, he was among the first to use jazz to address racial and political issues, with works like the album-length “We Insist! Max Roach’s Freedom Now Suite.”
In 1972, he became one of the first jazz musicians to teach full time at the college level when he was hired as a professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. And in 1988, he became the first jazz musician to receive a so-called genius grant from the MacArthur Foundation.
Maxwell Roach was born on Jan. 10, 1924, in the small town of Newland, N.C., and grew up in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. He began studying piano at a neighborhood Baptist church when he was 8 and took up the drums a few years later.
Even before he graduated from Boys High School in 1942, savvy New York jazz musicians knew his name. As a teenager he worked briefly with Duke Ellington’s orchestra at the Paramount Theater and with Charlie Parker at Monroe’s Uptown House in Harlem, where he took part in jam sessions that helped lay the groundwork for bebop.
By the middle 1940s, he had become a ubiquitous presence on the New York jazz scene, working in the 52nd Street nightclubs with Parker, the trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie and other leading modernists. Within a few years he had also become ubiquitous on record, participating in such seminal recordings as Miles Davis’s “Birth of the Cool” sessions in 1949 and 1950.Next Page »
Rove resigns
Viacom Vs. Youtube
The Associated Press
NEW YORK -- YouTube wants to question comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert as part of its defense against claims that it illegally airs Internet snippets of sports and entertainment videos.
The request, which surfaced Tuesday in court documents, was made last week to the judge presiding over lawsuits brought against YouTube by Viacom International Inc., England's top soccer league — The Football Association Premier League Ltd. — and indie music publisher Bourne Co.
The lawsuits claim, in essence, that YouTube profits from massive copyright infringement of television programs and feature films. The documents seeking the depositions pertained only to the Viacom lawsuit.
YouTube says it needs depositions from more than 30 people to fight legal challenges that "threaten to silence communications by hundreds of millions of people across the globe who exchange information, news and entertainment" through its Internet product.
YouTube, owned by Google Inc., said it plans to show that it respects the importance of intellectual property rights by proving it goes well beyond what is required under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. That law gives Web hosts protection from copyright lawsuits so long as they comply with requests to remove unauthorized material.
YouTube has said it cooperates with holders of copyrights and immediately complies with requests to have unauthorized material removed from the site.
The company said it also intends to show that the plaintiffs themselves had put their own works on YouTube or permitted others to do the same.
The company did not say exactly what it intended to gain from questioning Stewart and Colbert.
Colbert hosts "The Colbert Report," a spin-off of "The Daily Show," which is hosted by Stewart.
Viacom spokesman Jeremy Zweig said the company had no comment on the court document.
YouTube began two years ago, when one of its two California founders sought a way to send videos of his children to relatives on the East Coast.
Viacom sought $1 billion in damages for what it said was unauthorized viewing of programs from MTV, Comedy Central and other networks.
In their lawsuit, the soccer league and indie music publisher sought unspecified damages and any profits YouTube made as a result of the sharing of copyrighted videos.
(Story Continues On Next Page...)Next >
Published: January 29, 2005
World Village2004
converged upon an oasis in Essakane, Mali. They brought
with them a curious collection of Tuareg nomads and local musicians,
even groups from Europe and North America.
The purpose: a dramatic festival celebrating music, culture, and reconciliation.
Big-name Malian stars, including vocalist Oumou Sangaré and
guitarist Ali Farka Touré, shared a common stage with
lesser-known Tuareg groups like Tinariwen and Tartit.
This Festival in the Desert DVD makes an excellent companion to last year's ecstatic CD sampler of the event (reviewed here ). It includes performance footage of several groups, as well as the story of how the festival came to exist. There's something about watching all those camels come in—and seeing congregations of people make spontaneous music outside their tents—that brings it all to glowing life. Not to mention interviews with musicians and coordinators alike, who all stress the importance of sharing geographical and musical space in harmony.
O que li no memorial Miguel Torga:
Miguel Torga... Faria hoje 100 Anos...
Para Miguel Torga, nenhum deus é digno de louvor: na sua condição omnisciente é-lhe muito fácil ser virtuoso, e enquanto ser sobrenatural não se lhe opõe qualquer dificuldade para fazer a Natureza - mas o homem, limitado, finito, condicionado, exposto à doença, à miséria, à desgraça e à morte é também capaz de criar, e é sobretudo capaz de se impor à Natureza, como os trabalhadores rurais transmontanos impuseram a sua vontade de semear a terra aos penedos bravios das serras. E é essa capacidade de moldar o meio, de verdadeiramente fazer a Natureza mau grado todas as limitações de bicho, de ser humano mortal que, ao ver de Torga fazem do homem único ser digno de adoração.
Considerado por muitos como um avarento de trato difícil e carácter duro, foge dos meios das elites pedantes, mas dá consultas médicas gratuitas a gente pobre e é referido pelo povo como um homem de bom coração e de boa conversa. Foi o primeiro vencedor do Prémio Camões.
Livros seus estão traduzidos para diversas línguas, algumas vezes publicados com um prefácio seu: espanhol, francês, inglês, alemão, chinês, japonês, croata, romeno, norueguês, sueco, holandês, búlgaro.
The Best "Moment of Zen" in History
Space hotel to open in 2012 |
MADRID, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) -- "Galactic Suite," the first hotel in space, will open for business in 2012, its Barcelona-based architects said Friday.
Reservations for Galactic Suite will begin in 2008, company director Xavier Claramunt told journalists.
"Galactic suite will allow clients to travel around the World in 80 minutes," Claramunt said.
It will be made of aluminum and have five modules, he said.
The three boutique rooms will be decorated with mini components because of a lack of room and due to the fact that objects float in space because of the absence of gravity, Claramunt said.
"The greatest challenge will be the bathrooms with zero gravity. Accommodating the clients' intimate activities is not easy. To take a shower in zero gravity, the guests will enter the spa in which water bubbles will float," he added.
Guests will also be able to participate in scientific experiments during their stay in Galactic Suite hotel, 450 kms from Earth.
The space hotel will be the most expensive in the galaxy, costing three million euros (3.99 million U.S. dollars) for a three-day stay, during which guests would see the sun rise 15 times a day, its architects said.
It is estimated that some 40,000 people worldwide will be able to buy a Galactic-Suite ticket which is not as expensive as the 20-million-dollar ticket paid by the first space tourist Dennis Tito, who traveled to space in Soyuz TM-32 on April 28, 2001.
For the moment Galactic Suite has private investors from United Arab Emirates and Japan, local press reported.
Jovens europeus conhecem perigos da Internet mas admitem comportamentos de risco
Polémica na Espanha...
juez del Olmo ha ordenado, a petición de la Fiscalía, retirar de todos los quioscos y de los puntos de distribución la difusión del último número de la revista satírica "El Jueves" por un delito de injurias a La Corona. La portada de su último número, a la venta desde este jueves, es una caricatura -bastante zafia- de los Príncipes de Asturias en una postura sexual explícita.
Jose Luís Martín y Albert Monteys, coeditor y director, de la revista satírica, sostienen ahora el origen de la polémica está en el tratamiento "sensacionalista" que el programa "Aquí hay tomate" dio a la portada en su edición del viernes ayer.
Martín y Monteys aseguran que no pretendían injuriar a nadie:
"Nuestra idea era burlarnos de la medida electoralista de Zapatero y los 2.500 euros"
La viñeta hace referencia a la ayuda de 2.500 euros a la maternidad anunciados por el Gobierno y aparece la siguiente afirmación: "¿Te das cuenta si te quedas preñada?. Esto va a ser lo más parecido a trabajar que he hecho en mi vida".
Aunque la portada está firmada por los dibujantes Guillermo y Manel Fontdevila, la dirección de El Jueves asumió la decisión de publicarla como propia y parece decidida a arrostrar las consecuencias.
El dibujante Guillermo, coatuor de la portada, ha asegurado en declaraciones a la emisora RAC1 que no entiende la polémica:
"Yo a quienes he dibujado es a Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes, no sé porque la gente piensa que son los que son. Nadie ha dicho que sean quienes dicen que son. El juez Del Olmo lleva gafas, se pone colirio, y quizá ha confundido el tema".
El dibujante ha comentado que la decisión judicial le parece que es "para reirse", y ha añadido que no lo considera un ataque a la libertad de expresión porque "no llegará a nada".
La representación que hace El Jueves de los príncipes de Asturias es zafia y grosera, pero es difícil admitir que tenga la intencionalidad injuriosa que el artículo 490 del Código Penal atribuye al delito de injurias cometido contra el Príncipe heredero de la Corona "en el ejercicio de su función o con motivo u ocasión de éstas".
No es aventurado prever que, una vez pasada la conmoción del momento, el ministerio fiscal y el juez reconsiderarán su decisión y levantarán el secuestro.
Hoy día no es sostenible que la utilización satírica de personajes reales, como de otros públicos representantes de altas instituciones, deba caer bajo la férula del Código Penal. Cosa distinta es criticarla, rechazarla y denunciarla cuando cae en el mal gusto, la exageración o la inconveniencia, como sucede en este caso.
El secuestro de publicaciones en la época de Internet y de las nuevas tecnologías es, además, perfectamente inútil y contraproducente para los fines que pretende: amparar supuestos derechos vulnerados. ¿Cómo impedir la cascada de reproducciones de la viñeta secuestrada en papel en los incontrolados y variados soportes informáticos hoy existentes?
La decisión judicial contribuye a lo contrario de lo que dice pretender: da publicidad y facilita la circulación de la caricatura. Sienta un precedente pésimo e inútil.
El portavoz de la Casa del Rey, Juan González Cebrián, ha asegurado a este periódico que desde la Zarzuela no se ha intervenido en la decisión de la fiscalía ni se ha pedido en ningún momento que se actuara contra el semanario. La Casa del Rey ha reiterado su respeto a las decisiones de la Justicia y, como ha ocurrido con anteriores pronunciamientos judiciales, no va a entrar a valorar el auto del juez Del Olmo.
Sin embargo, se ha sabido en los últimos meses que el malestar por el tratamiento que estaban recibiendo miembros de la Familia Real en algunos medios de comunicación se había ido incrementando. Círculos próximos a la familia real temen verse ahora envueltos en una polémica ajena a su voluntad.
Um clássico... agora fazer uma mulher acreditar nisto é que já é mais complicado...
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Altamente ilustrativo, como es habitual, tomo nota!, y por si sirve de sugerencia apunto el tema de las intensidades de los orgasmos: ¿cómo es posible que una chica pueda disfrutar de cinco o seis orgasmos sin desfallecer y otra rozar la pérdida de conciencia sólo con uno?
Pues me alegro de ser una de las "afortunadas" 3 de cada 10, aunque eso de los 5 ó 6 orgasmos seguidos...
Me ha gustado lo de la idea coitocéntrica ¡debería enterarse más gente! (mañana ya tengo tema de conversación en al oficina xD)
clap, clap... esta web debería ser de referencia en la educación sexual a adolescentes en los institutos... y aunque no se enteren de todo-todo hoy, por lo menos habrán tenido información que posteriormente puedan utilizar..
gracias Sexólogo! :)
Yo recomiendo a mis amigas leer el Informe Hite, para que se vayan enterando. Es viejo pero, ¡qué moderno!
A ver si me aclaro, así que si la mujer no consigue un orgasmo no es culpa del hombre por ignorar, sino de la propia mujer por no enseñar....juer, tú siempre igual eh, la pobre mujer culpable de todo y el hombre, pobrecito ignorante de todo, qué culpa tiene el hombre si no le enseñan¡¡¡
Y digo yo, cuando existe una relación sexual entre dos personas, las dos personas deben proceder a un conocimiento del otro, mediante besos y caricias, cada uno debe ser consciente de las zonas erógenas del otro, no se trata de seguir un GPS y que el otro te diga, ahora toca aquí, ahora acaricia allá pero antes debes pasar por la gasolinera de la esquina....juer, que no se trata de seguir un manual, sino de explorar y disfrutar del otro cuerpo y del cuerpo de uno mismo.
El problema que tenemos los hombres es que no nos preocupamos de la otra persona y vamos a lo nuestro...mete-saca y en 10 minutos a correr...se.
Y así nos luce el pelo, con unas cornamentas enormes, porque esa mujer que con nosotros no obtiene ni un orgasmo, consigue más de 3 con otro....y digo yo que la mujer es la misma, lo que varía es el hombre, no?
Leo demasiado machismo en tus post, querido sexólogo.
¿Yo siempre igual? ¿La mujer culpable de todo, y el hombre pobrecito? ¿Dónde he dicho yo eso? Creo que a eso se le llama demagogia...
"Las dos personas deben proceder a un conocimiento del otro", "Vamos a lo nuestro...mete-saca y en 10 minutos a correr...se". ¿Y qué he dicho yo? Lee el punto número dos otra vez, por favor...
¿Machismo en mis posts? Si así lo crees... Que cada cual lea y saque sus propias conclusiones.
La capacidad de aprendizaje, de autocrítica, de cuestionarse los conocimientos previos y de construir nuevos conocimientos independientemente de lo políticamente correcto, es algo individual y único de cada persona. Que cada cual gestione sus capacidades y su proceso de aprendizaje.
Coincido contigo en el punto 2 y en el punto 3 escribes algo muy interesante y es que reconoces que hay personas que se preocupan por lo que pueda gustar al otro...creo que en eso consiste todo, en ocuparse y preocuparse por la otra persona y dejar de lado nuestro egoismo.
Lamento decirte que el último ejemplo que has puesto se contradice con lo expuesto en el punto 3, porque achacas la anorgasmia de la mujer a su falta de indicaciones a su pareja, cuando creo que su pareja es tan responsable como ella.
Demagogia por mi parte o incoherencia por la tuya...llámalo X.
El sexo no debe reducirse a un onanismo individualista, sino a un acto entre dos, donde ambos se entregan por igual y donde ambos se preocupan por procurar placer a la otra persona.
Anónimo, además de sentirlo mucho, me parece increíble que puedas hacer las interpretaciones que haces de mis palabras. Por suerte la mayoría de la gente no hace esas interpretaciones.
Sólo puedo agradecerte tu interés por el blog. Un saludo.
Tengo una pregunta: Q pasa cuando una mujer no puede llegar al orgasmo aun cuando probó casi todo? Es como que se salta la parte del orgasmo... Q pasa?
Pues depende de muchas cosas... Depende de si ella se masturba habitualmente o no, de si normalmente llega al orgasmo masturbándose, de sí hace mucho que le pasa, del tiempo que pasa "probando", de las prácticas que haya probado...
En último caso, se puede acudir a la consulta de un sexólogo y buscar asesoramiento.